Monday, July 6, 2015


Hey Y'all!

First of all I want to apologize for not sending a big email last week. I totally spaced it!

Holy smokes it’s been hot this week! There were a couple days where it was up in the 100's, and the humidity doesn’t help either. But we've been drinking plenty of water and taking lots of slushy breaks, so don't worry!

 he work is going fine here. Our area is experiencing some growing pains a little bit. We are working hard but not much is happening. Trying to get the ball rolling again is hard. It’s also been fun trying to juggle being a trainer and a district leader. With that comes some stress, haha. I haven't really experienced much stress until now so I’m still trying to get used to it. But it’s all good and we are hanging in there. 

This week I have been really focusing on what the Lord wants for us to do in this area and it’s proving to be a challenge to figure out. It seems like we just need to find all new people to teach. Other than a few of our investigators, the other ones are starting to get stale... but tracting is super ineffective so we'll see how that goes. I hope that we can get things going again!

This week I have been thinking a lot about how everything that happens to us and everything that happens in general happens for a reason. Whether it’s for our benefit or for someone else or maybe we don't even know why at all! But it all happens for a reason. Also when the Lord commands us to do certain things, whether that takes the shape of a calling or any other responsibility or rule we are asked to follow, He asks us because He knows that we can handle it! He has faith in us. He knows our potential! He knows who we can become and who we need to become! 1 Nephi 17:50 says that He commands us to do things because He knows we can. He might have to help us but He has faith in us! He's definitely has a plan and has it all under control!

Love y’all and hope you all have an amazing week! Stay cool!

Elder Walker

Shane and his new trainee sitting next to him, Elder Barton

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